CS 373 Fall 2020 — Sean Chen — Week of 14 Sep

Sean Chen
2 min readSep 19, 2020

What did you do this past week?

I finished up a few other projects for my other classes. I thought that the Artificial Intelligence IDA* project would be a lot more challenging, but it turns out a bunch of the code is already written as part of a DFS implementation. The majority of the work was just thinking about how to transform that code into an implementation of IDA*.

What’s in your way?

I was pretty productive at the start of the semester, but it seems that early semester motivation is starting to drop off. I find myself starting to push off work and procrastinating. Hopefully it’s just temporary.

What will you do next week?

I’ll start work on the group project for this class and brainstorm ideas for what we should create the website for. I also have to start working on ideas with my group for the iOS programming group project. There’s a few other smaller weekly homeworks as well.

What was your experience of exceptions, IDB1, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)

It was interesting to see the differences and similarities behind the way that Python and Java structure their default classes. Revealing the classes and objects behind the typing system is interesting to see, given how hidden it is behind the simple syntax. Exceptions seemed pretty straightforward but I can see how exceptions that are directly related might cause some confusion in the way that they are handled. The project seems pretty daunting at first glance, since I have very limited experience in web development.

What made you happy this week?

Finally got my coffee dialed in after switching roasters because Onyx switched to 10oz packages instead of 12. Took a bit longer than usual probably since it was so close to roast date.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

There’s a new type test/practice website (https://monkey-type.com/) that I’ve started using when I’m bored or need a break. If you have an account it tracks your progress over time. Over my last few days, I’ve averaged +10.12 wpm per hour of typing, though it’s a pretty small sample size so far. Great way to train your fingers to start typing faster, which is pretty useful for writing code as well (even though it isn’t exactly the same as plain English).

